2024 Pelorus Trust supported Zone Events 

Thanks to the continued generosity of funding granted by the Pelorus Trust, the full stadium court costs at Akau Tangi Sports Centre will be  covered for 2024.  Importnat to NB without this funding it is highly likely that these zone sports events would not be able to be offered and 1000's of children would miss out.

Western Zone Schools - Miniball

Tues 21 May 2024

Miniball  x7 courts (x48 hours)

On Tuesday 21 May, seven schools in the PSW Western Zone participated in the second annual non-competitive PSW Western Zone Schools Miniball tournament. 28 teams in total, with approximately 250 Year 5 - 8 students playing.

Thanks to the generous funding granted by the Pelorus Trust to cover the court hire the day went ahead as planned.  Games were 15mins and team numbers warranted 8 / 12 courts to be booked.

Some comments from participating Northland School students:

“I’m so glad we were able to do the tournament again. Last year was my first time playing basketball and I found that I was better than I thought!”

“I liked the tournament and I think this year the teams were more evenly matched. I didn’t play against people who were way better than me.”

“I love playing basketball, so I will always participate in this tournament if I can.”

The general feedback from other schools was that their students were happy and enjoyed the day. They found it well organised and clear about when teams were playing and on what courts. Many of the schools gave feedback that the teams played fairly and showed good sportsmanship. Other feedback we got was that schools would have liked more options to put teams into a competitive grade.  

Overall the feedback was very positive, with schools finding it a good competition and the teams playing really well together. The day ran smoothly, and there was little that went wrong.

Overall, the tournament was a success with many children having a good time and all schools showing positive sportsmanship with little disagreements around the rules and how the games went. 

With continued support from Pelorus Trust, Primary Sport Wellington and the PSW Western Zone schools, this tournament will hopefully be able to be offered moving forward.

PSW Eastern Zone Schools -  Miniball Tournament              

Thurs 27 June 2024  

x6 courts (x24 hours) 

The 2024 Eastern Zone Miniball Tournament was held on Thursday 27 July at Akau Tangi Sports Centre. Thanks to a very generous grant from Pelorus Trust we were able to book 6 courts and every team involved got to play six, 15 minute full court games.  Scots College provide referees and a staff member to supervise them. Miramar Christian school brought their Year 7 and 8 students to do scorebench for us which was also very helpful.

There were 21 teams from 10 schools that took part so approximately 200 children. The emphasis was on fun and participation. Having the grant to cover court hire allowed us to keep costs to a minimum for whanau and kura. We just asked for a small koha in order to be able to provide some lunch for the 12 referees.

As a teacher and the sports coordinator at Kilbirnie School I have been very happy with one of the outcomes of being able to provide this opportunity for children to try a new sport. A number of the Year 6 girls from my school who got to try Miniball for the first time at the tournament have now decided they want to continue to play the sport. Our school now have a second ‘all girls’ team entered into the league for term 3. I know for a fact that the cost of taking part in sport is a significant barrier for some families. The impact that a grant from an organisation such as Pelorus Trust can have is definitely significant.

On behalf of the PSW Eastern Zone primary schools who attended, I would like to extend a huge thank you to Pelorus Trust. Events like this a so important for our tamariki and having the grant made it possible.


​​​​​​​PSW Central Zone Schools - Winter Festival.

Monday 29 July 2024

x8 courts (x32 hours)                                                                                                                 

The PSW Central Zone Schools Winter Festival is organised in partnership with Wellington East Girl’s College Year 12 Health and Physical Education students.  These students organise all the activities for the Year 5 & 6 students attending from the PSW Central Zone Schools in order to gain NCEA Level 2 Unit Standards.


We ran an incredibly successful ‘Winter Festival’ on Monday 29th of July. Of the 10 schools in the Central Zone, 8 were able to attend.  Reasons for non attendance were either a) Monday 29 being the first day back at school for the term or b) extenuating circumstances within school. 

The 8 schools who attended were able to bring in a total of 163 students to the event.  All schools have reported that their students thoroughly enjoyed the event.  The activities were well pitched to the cohort of children and everyone had fun. This is particularly pleasing, as the purpose of the event is to encourage ALL tamariki to find enjoyment in moving their bodies.  ‘Fun’ is the main goal, as many children selected to attend these events can be resistant to getting active. 

Wellington East Girls’ College Year 12 PE class was fantastic, as they took the reins early on.  The cohort of girls reviewed feedback from previous events along with suggestions from the organising school, and created an awesome set of activities and schedule for the day.  This was excellent.  WEGC also put more support in place for the event than previous years, with more staff involved and including some students from Year 11 PE as well, in the hopes that they will be familiar with the event before they move into the organisational role in 2025.

Throughout term 2, the Year 12 class designed and refined their games.  At the High School level, they tested these with junior PE classes to make sure the games worked.  In late Term 2, the WEGC Year 12 PE class made a visit to Clyde Quay School, to test out their activities on primary aged students.  This was both to ensure that the games were appropriate and interesting for younger children, and to help them prepare for running a larger scale event.  They worked with Year 7 / 8’s from Clyde Quay School.  This contributed to the success of the event.

Overall, it was a fantastic event and reached a cohort of tamariki who need continued support in developing an interest in exercise.

Eastern Zone Schools - Netball Tournament

Wed 7 August 2024

x12 courts (48 hours)      

PSW Southern Zone Schools - Miniball Tournament

20 August 2024

x8 courts (x32 hours)                                                                                          

This will be the inaugural Miniball Tournament for the PSW Southern Zone Schools.  Thank you to the fudnuing received from the Pelorus Trust PSW is able to offer it the the PSW Southern Zone Schools this year.                                                                                           

Eastern Zone Schools - Floorball Tournament

Wed 25 September 2024

x6 courts (x24 hours)