Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2023

Date:  Tues 5 Dec, ppmt  Thurs 7 Dec

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium, Newtown

Time:   9am - 3pm

Organising Association:  Upper Valley Primary Schools Sports Association

Well done to ALL athletes from the 9 Associations present who competed at this years Regional Athletics Meet.  There were plenty of examples observed of great comraderie and friendships between the athletes from competing associations.

Click here for FULL results track and field events.

The top 3 athletes from the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet will be invited to represent Primary Sport Wellington (PSW) at the Regional Athletics Meet.

The school that the student attends will be notified of the opportunity within 48 hours of the completion of the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet.  Important to NB these athletes will compete in their respective school sports uniform.

Unless a school organises the transportation for ALL their athletes, parents will  be expected to organise their own transportation for their child to and from the Regional Athletics meet.

ALL athletes must wear appropriate footwear for their events that they have qualified for (This includes ALL track and field events).

Click here to view programme of events

Click here for list of expected PSW FIELD event athletes (posted 12:52pm 23.11.23)

Click here for list of expected PSW Track athletes (posted 12:52pm 23.11.23)

Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2022

Date:  Tues 6 Dec, ppmt  Thurs 8 Dec

Venue: Colin Pugh Stadium, Masterton

Time:   9am - 3pm

Organising Association: Masterton Schools Sports Association and South Wairarapa Schools Sports Cluster.

The top 3 athletes from the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet will be invited to represent Primary Sport Wellington (PSW) at the Regional Athletics Meet.

The school that the student attends will be notified of the opportunity within 24 hours of the completion of the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet.  Important to NB these athletes will compete in their respective school sports uniform.

Unless a school organises the transportation for ALL their athletes, parents will  be expected to organise their own transportation for their child to and from the Regional Athletics meet.

ALL athletes must wear appropriate footwear for their events that they have qualified for (This includes ALL relay team runners).

Click here for FULL results

​​​​​​​Click here for Event programme 

Click here for event lay out 

Click here for public car parking 

​​​​​​​Click here for ALL PSW registered athletes 

Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2021

Date:  Tues 7 Dec, ppmt  Thurs 9 Dec

Venue: Colin Pugh Stadium, Masterton

Time:   9am - 3pm

Organising Association: Masterton Schools Sports Association and supported by South Wairarapa Schools Sports Cluster

Please be advised that a decision has been made by the principal leads of the host associations to cancel the 2021 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Meet scheduled in Masterton.  The cancellation of any Zone, Inter Zone, Association or Regional sporting event is never an easy decision to make and there are many factors taken into consideration with the safety of the athletes at the forefront.

Primary Sport Wellington respects and supports the decision reached by the host associations. 

I know it will be disappointing to the many, many athletes within the PSW school membership, and the same applies to PSW as we like to see our student athletes achieve and gain recognition through sport.

Click here  for the Official notification from the Host Associations (Uploaded 2 Nov 2021)

Click here for Host Associations advisement letter.  (Uploaded 26 Oct 2021)

Statement from the Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Sports Committee regarding the2021 Regional Athletics Meet:

The Greater Wellington Region Primary & Intermediate Sports Committee have agreed that if Wellington is in an Alert Level that restricts outdoor activities to less than 1500 people on Friday November 19 at 5:30 pm, the 2021 Regional Athletics will be cancelled. The main reasons for this time frame is to respect the time of the organisers, give associations enough time to stage their event and to value the safety of all our athletes and their whānau.

Please NB the above statement is an agreed Regional Committee decision which each Association will adhere too, including Primary Sport Wellington.  

Contact YOUR respective Association contact if you wish to have any further clarification as to how this decision was reached.


Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2020

Date:  Tues 1 Dec, ppmt  Thurs 3 Dec

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium, Wellington

Time:   9am - 3pm

Organising Association:  Primary Sport Wellington 

Thank you to all the associations who provided the volunteer officials to be able to run an event of this size.  A HUGE shout out to the Athletics Wellington Officials:  Geoff Henry (Starter), Marshall Clark (Throws Referee), Mike Ritchie (Jumps Referee), Don Dalgliesh (Track Marshalling) and Ray Marten my colleague at PSW.  These gentleman have also been me at 7 other primary school athletics meets in 2020.


​​​​​​​Click here for top 4 placing's in ALL FIELD events 

Click here for ALL track results 

The Regional Primary and Intermediate Schools Athletics Meet has been POSTPONED until Thursday 3 December due to 120km/h Southerly gale force winds forecast.  I apologise for all inconvenience this may cause athletes and supporters however it is for the best interests of the athletes and all officials assisting at this event that we go to the postponement date.  ALL schools within the PSW membership and Association Leads have been advised of this decision.

IMPORTANT:  Regional Primary Schools Athletics Announcement.

The regional committee responsible for running this event has met and has made the following decision.

"If our region is at level 1, this event will take place. However if at any stage after returning to level one, our region goes back to level 2 at any point before the event, the event will immediately be cancelled."

NB Primary Sport Wellington as the organising association reserves the right to cancel the 2020 Regional Athletics Meet if a limit of 500 persons or less is in effect for permitted public gathering or event restrictions are in place.  Simply because we will NOT be able to comply and provide a safe event within the permitted  MOH guidelines.  

The safety of our primary aged athletes and wider community benefit is behind this decision and not wanting to aid in the spreading of communtiy transmission rates in the Wellington region.​​​​​​​

ALL associations are restricted to 3 athletes for individual event (Track and Field) and the winning relay team from each association.  It is at the discretion of each association as to how they select their runners for the relay teams i.e. winning school team OR a selection of their fastest runners.  Associations will only be able to enter more then 3 athletes for individual events in the event of tied placing's or times and must be pre registered on the recording sheets (Field events) and listed on the Track marshalling sheets.

​​​​​​​This athletics meet is a NO barefeet event.  Athletes need to wear appropriate footwear for both Track and Field events.


Click here for programme of events

Click here for PSW team, top 3 athletes Field events only. 

Click Here  for PSW team, top 3 athletes track events only.

NB reserve listed is not expected at the event unless an athlete withdraws from the top 3.  


Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2019

Due to inclement weather forecast the Wgtn Primary and Intermediate Schools'

REGIONAL Athletics event has been POSTPONED

until Wednesday 4th Dec.


Date:  Tues 3 Dec, ppmt  Wed 4 Dec

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium, Wellington

Time:   9am - 3pm

Organising Association:  LOWER HUTT Primary Schools Sports Association, supporting association Wellington Regional Intermediate Schools Sports Association (WRISSA).

Click Here for RESULTS 

Click here for team list of expected atheltes to represent PSW at regional athletics meet. 

Team selection is based on PSW Inter Zone results held Tues 26 Nov 2019.

Click here for programme 


Click here for Lay out of Newtown Park

Click here for qualifying standards

​​​​​​​Click here for event RAMS

Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2018

Date:  Tues 4 Dec, ppmt Thurs 6 Dec

Venue:  Otaki Domain, Mill Road, Otaki

Time:   9am - 3pm

Organising Association:  Kapiti 

Due to inclement weather conditions the 2018 Regional Primary Schools Athletics Championships has been CANCELLED.

Click here  PSW selections for Regionals based on PSW inter Zone results 

Click here  Regional selection letter contains informatin on where to meet team etc


Click here for site maps, event lay out, car parking and where to meet the team Managers.​​​​​​​

Click here for regional programme of events

Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2017

Tues 5 Dec, Colin Pugh Sports Bowl, Masterton.

Approximately 700 athletes from throughout the Welington regions primary and intermediate schools converged into the Colin Pugh Sports Bowl ground with temperatures already at 28 degrees at 9am.

This made the first events, middle distance races and Yr 7 & 8 Discus events, exceptionally tough as there was no wind and limited shelter.  The PSW team however were well catered for with 2 ezi up tents and plenty of sunblock on offer (thank you Wellington Cancer Society) and thank you to Georgina Wedge for transporting the 2 tents and setting up early to ensure PSW athletes were set up in the shade of the trees and close to the entrance gate which made for quick sighting of team members to report in and get there athlete number.

Thank you to all the parents of the PSW team members who either transported their children to the event and assited with transporting other children who's parents ould not attend.  All athletes that attended performed and behaved exceptionally well.

Special thanks to Georgina Wedge (Girls Team Manager), Vivian Tse (Boys Team Manager), Don Dalgleish (Athletics Wgtn Official who assisted me all day with the track marshalling duties) and to the following who volunteered and assisted throughout the day:  Daryl Todd (KNS), Andrea Kenworthy (KNS), Perry Dinnan (St Benedict's), Rebecca Tuck (St Benedict's), Fiona Casey (St Benedict's) without your assistance and the assistance provided from the other 8 associations the regional committee would NOT be able to organise events of this size and scale.

PSW would also like to thank and acknowledge Sharon Gates, South Wairarapa Schools Sports Convenor for not only organising such a well run regional athletics event but for also volunteering her association to run the regional cross country event held in July.  It is a huge responsibility to organise one regional event on behalf of the regional committee let alone two in the same year so my hat goes off to you Sharon.

Click here  For PSW Athletes that placed in the top 4

Click here for FULL results 

Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics Championship 2017

Tues 5 Dec, ppmt date Thurs 7 Dec

Due to scheduled track resurfacing works at Newtown Park Stadium the Wellington Regional Primary and Intermediate Schools Athletics Championships will now be held at the Pelorus Trust Athletics Track, Masterton.

Organising Associations:  South Wairarapa and Masterton.

Information will be sent to schools and posted on this website as it comes to hand.  Please NB ALL Athletes representing PSW must have qualified through the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet.

Click here ​​​​​​​ For Programme 

Click here  For team list of Athletes selected to represent PSW at the Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Athletics event.  NB Reserves are also listed and are NOT expected to travel attend the event unless an athlete withdraws.


Regional Athletics 2016

The Regional Athletics Championships were held at Newtown Park Stadium on Tuesday 29 November 2106.

In near perfect conditions for an athletics meet, just over 700 competitors, ranging from Years 4 - 8 students, representing the nine primary and intermediate schools sports associations within the Wellingotn region converged into Newtown Park Stadium for this meet.

Event organiser Garry Szeto PSW Director of Sport says "There were a couple of changes introduced for this years regional meet.  Firstly electronic timing was used for the track events.  This meant that the children did not have to line up for mulitple races as each child in a sprint event only had to run the ONE race for the distance that he or she qualified for.  The second change introduced was Athletes with a Disability got to rotate with their peers for the quoits, vortex and long jump events instead of being kept as a AWD group.  Overall I was very happy with how the programme ran and with an athletics meet of this scale it is crucial that all associations fulfil their roles with providing the man power required to run the activities on offer.  Thank you to all association representatives.  An athletics event at this level of competition is also reliant on key Athletics Wellington officials who volunteer their time at not only this level of competition but also at a PSW Zone, PSW Inter Zone and club level.  Thank you to all the Athletics Wellington officials:  Geoff Henry, Sally Mills, Don Dalgleish and Rama Smith for all the expertise you provided on the day.

I wish to acknowledge that not all changes introduced are going to suit everyone's individual needs and rulings by the regional committee such as athletes must wear footwear for ALL events are there for a reason and this regional cmmittee does the best that it can within the resources available and it is important that everyone note that not one single association is actually paid to organise any of the regional competitions that are on offer for the primary aged students."


PSW  Athletes that placed in top 3  Click here

Regional Athletics 2015

The Regional Athletics Championships were held at Newtown Park on 1 December

A team of nearly 188 athletes from a variety of schools within Wellington City, represented Primary Sport Wellington and thier schools with pride. Congratulations to all those who competed.

Our thanks must go to the officials who gave their time in order for us to compete at the event. Izzy Hegan our recorder on the track events, Don Dagliesh and Stuart Lavin our marshals, Ann Stephens from St Francis Xavier School and Daniel from Miramar North School our AWD event officials and finally and two team mangaers and their helpers, Nick Julian and Ann Hay. Without these helpers, this event would not happen

Congratulaions to those below who won titles or placed in the top three in the individual events:

Important Notice:

Certificates for the top 3 placegetters in the individual events are now available for the athletes listed below.  Please email Primary Sport Wellington to organise collection.

Year 4 Boys
1st Alex Smith
3rd Callum Stevens
Year 5 Boys
1st Elliot Brown
Year 6 Boys
3rd Ciaran Bolger
Year 6 Girls
1st Meka Hain
Year 8 Boys
2nd Jesse Randall
Year 8 Girls
1st Bernadine Solo

Year 4 Boys
1st Harry Law
Year 4 Girls
2nd Teuila Bennis
3rd Alamay Tohiariki-Puhupuhi
Year 5 Boys
3rd Flynn Taylor
Year 5 Girls
2nd Olivia Ingham
Year 6 Boys
3rd Oscar Pickering

Year 7 Girls
3rd Taylor Bryers
Year 8 Boys
3rd Sita Eskielu
Year 8 Girls
3rd Eleminoti Paasi

Long Jump:
Year 4 Boys
1st Hugo Jones
Year 4 Girls
2nd Lucy Skogstad
3rd Maddy Murdoch
Year 5 Boys
1st Bradley Melesala
2nd Ieremia Morris
Year 5 Girls
1st Chethana Whtarana
Year 6 Boys
1st Olle Skogstad
2nd Sebastian Skelton
Year 6 Girls
2nd Scarlett James
3rd Sarah Jennings
Year 7 Boys
1st Tafara Gapere
3rd Kaden Paxton
Year 7 Girls
1st Therese Wright
3rd Yasmin Christenhusz
Year 8 Girls
1st Bernadine Solo
3rd Amelia Burley

High Jump:
Year 4 Boys
1st Hugo Jones
3rd = David Suisted
3rd = Charlie Rapson
Year 4 Girls
2nd Rhea Whiteman
Year 5 Boys
2nd William Julian
Year 5 Girls
3rd = Sienna Cherry
Year 6 Boys
2nd Alex Martin
Year 6 Girls
2nd Zhan'e O'Dwyer
Year 7 Boys
3rd =Tafara Gapere

Short Sprints:
Year 4 Boys 60m
2nd Noah Faa
Year 4 Girls 60m
3rd Lucy Skogstad
Year 5 Boys 80m
1st Ben Sneddon
2nd Bradley Melesal
Year 5 Girls 80m
1st Chethana Witharana
3rd Lara Smith
Year 6 Boys 80m
1st Riley Willis
3rd Zechariah Kingi
Year 7 Boys 100m
3rd Tafara Gapere
Year 7 Girls 100m
1st Therese Wright
Year 8 Boys 100m
1st Joshua Williams
3rd Rakaia Pahi
Year 8 Girls 100m
1st Bernadine Solo
2nd Alyssa Wilson

Long Sprints:
Year 4 Boys 100m
2nd Max Reynolds
Year 4 Girls 100m
3rd Lucy Skogstad
Year 5 Boys
1st Ben Sneddon
2nd Ieremia Morris
3rd Lachlan ?
Year 5 Girls 150m
1st Chethana Witharana
3rd Lara Smith
Year 6 Boys 150m
3rd Alex Martin
Year 6 Girls 150m
1st Scarlett James
2nd Maia Wilkinson
Year 7 Boys 200m
2nd Cody Lokotui
Year 7 Girls 200m
1st Therese Wright
Year 8 Boys
3rd Rakaia Pahi
Year 8 Girls 200m
1st Bernadine Solo
2nd Alyssa Wilson
3rd Lucy Hegan

Year 4 Boys 5x80m
1st Wadestown School
Year 4 Girls 5x80m
2nd Lyall Bay School
Year 5 Boys 4x100m
1st Seatoun School
Year 5 Girls 4x100m
2nd Khandallah School
Year 6 Boys 4x100m
2nd Brooklyn School
Year 6 Girls 4x100m
1st Ngaio School
Year 7 Boys 4x100m
1st Scots College
Year 7 Girls 4x100m
1st St Francis de Sales School
Year 8 Girls 4x100m
1st Seatoun School

To view FULL results google Lower Hutt Primary School Sports Association.

Regional Athletics 2014

The sixth regional athletics championshps were held at Newtown Park on Tuesday 2 December 2014.

Over 700 children representing all nine primary schools sports associations within the Wellington Region competed throughout the day in both track and feld events

Our thanks must go to all who officiated and assisted to make this event such a success The Regional Committee  would like to acknowledgeand thank the support of Athletics Wellington for their expertise adn assistance with officiating and for the large numbers of athletes they provided to assist with the running of this event..

Congratulaitons to all competitors for the sportsmanship and comradeship shown throughout the various events. The day was an enjoyable one for all concerned and we hope that many will continue in this code by joining and competing at clubadn centre events

Results:  Click Here

Regional Athletics 2013

After the week of rain prior to the Regional Athletics playing havoc with association athletic events, the regional athletics was held on 3 December at Newtown Park in very hot and sunny conditions.

Eight associations were represented in the track and field events with the discus being the new event intoduced at year 7 and 8 level only. This will replace the quoits in  these age groups in 2014.

It was a successfu , competitive event in which great sportsmanship was demonstrated throughout the day and some excellent results were achieved. Congratulations to all those  who participated

We were very grateful for the assistance that we received from the various officials from each associaiton, as well as the Athletics Wellington officials who always support this event and give their time so willingly to advise and assist both prior to and on event day.

Results:  Click Here


Regional Athletics 2011

The Regional Athletics Championshiops were held on 8 December in what was near perfect conditions. Athleties including those with  disabilties, representing 8 sporting assocations from wiithin the region, competed in both track and field events. The competition was fierce in all events and some excellent results were achieved.

Many volunteers made themselves available to assist with these championships and without their support this event could not have gone ahead. We would especially like to thank the Athletics Wellington officials, whose input was invaluable.throughout the day as well as in the lead up to the event, and also  the team managers of the various teams, a role whose orgaisation commences well before the event and continues until well after. Thank you to you all

Congratulations to alll competitiors who represented their school and association in a very fitting manner, demonstrating good  sportsmanship throughout  the day.

Results: Click Here


Regional Athletics

The inaugural Regional Athletics was hosted by PSW at Newtown Park on Tuesday 7 December.  The initial weather conditions did not fare well for the event, but the rain stayed away long enough for all events to be completed in dry but coolish conditions.

The athletes ranging from Year 4 - 8, competed in track and field events throughout the day and some outstanding results were recorded.

Our thanks to Athletics Wellington officials, all competing sporting associations officials and to the young helpers who assisted as retrievers and runners throughout the day. Without this support this event would not happen

Gary Nesbit from Nesport Photopgraphy attended the event in the monring. Photos can be viewed and purchased  online
Click Here

Congratulations to all athletes who competed and  to those who were placed in their chosen events

Results:  Click Here