PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2024

Date:    Tuesday  21 November, ppmt date Thurs 23 November 2024

Time:    9:00am - 3:00pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Click here for event programme and order of events.  (Please NB this programme may differ to the Zone Athletics event that your child may have qualified from)

Click here for qualifying times and standards

​​​​​​​ALL athletes MUST have qualified via their school and respective Zone Athletics Meets to compete at the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet unless a dispensation has been applied for and granted.

ALL athletes MUST wear appropriate footwear for their events includes all track and long jump.  NB this ruling is consistent with the Regional Athletics Meet but may differt from your zone athletics meet.

ALL athletes should be wearing their respective school sports uniforms.

ALL schools sending 10 or more athletes from their school are expected to provide an adult helper for the day to run their assigned event.  Failure to provide the necessary volunteers to run the assigned discipline safely may result in any particular discipline not being able to be offered for the day or rotation.

Car parking:  There is limited car parking at Newtown Park Stadium but plenty of car parking in the surrounding streets.  It is the responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to comply with all parking restrictions and WCC parking rules.  Please comply with these rules NB the only vehicles that will be ticketed are the vehicles who are in breach of the rules: such as parking within a metre of a driveway, parking on grass burns and tree roots, parking in the middle of the street, blocking access for emergency vehicles.

PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2023

Date:    Tuesday  21 November, ppmt date Thurs 23 November

Time:    9:00am - 3:00pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Thank you to ALL athletes and volunteers who assisted on the day to ensure that results were recorded and events ran smoothly for the 2023 PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet.

Thankfully we have an ALL weather track in Wellington as conditions were NOT ideal for athletes OR officials with a persistent drizzle and the odd shower eperienced throughout the day.   

Please NB the top 3 for ALL individual events and the winning relay team ONLY will represent Primary Sport Wellington at the upcoming Regional Primary and Intermediate Schools Athletics Meet scheduled Tuesday 5th December postponement date Thursday 7th December.

Click here to view the top 3 placings and reserve for all FIELD events only (updated 10:01am 27.11.23)

Click here to view the PSW Track advancers list.  

Unfortunately an electronic timing issue occurred with one of the heats for the Year 5 Boys 150m.  With no photo-finish run times for Heat 2, it was not possible to produce a reliable Timed Finals for the whole event, and therefore an alternative approach has been used in selecting advancers.  A decision has been made to select 4 athletes to represent PSW for this race, and was made based on video clips being provided for ALL 3 heats and results from 2022.  

ALL athletes selected to represent PSW at the REGIONAL ATHLETICS MEET please wear your school sports uniform for your events. 

IMPORTANT:  Meet rules state that appropriate footwear MUST be worn when competing in your events. 

Primary Sport Wellington would like to acknowledge the funding $14,000.00 granted to PSW in 2023. 

A large portion of the grant received contributes greatly to the costs associated with the track and equipment hire for the six zones track meets and the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meets.  ALL athletes and schools appreciate these costs not being passed onto the parents in their school community. 

Good news everyone the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet will proceed as scheduled on Tuesday 21 November.

ALL volunteer officials please be at the briefing scheduled 9:10am in the officials room located underneath the main grandstand.


I have been advised by WCC 16.11.23 that they need to cancel our postponement date booking due to track lane remarking.  This has been caused by unfavourable weather conditions and the contractor needs to complete this job by the end of next week.

Should the need arise that we have to cancel the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet on Tuesday, athletes will be selected based on the completed individual zone results.

A decision will be made by Monday 1pm if the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meet will proceed based on Met Serivce weather forecast and schools will be notified.​​​​​​​

Click here for programme 

​​​​​​​Click here for field event lay out ​​​​​​​

Click here for list of all registered track entries

Click here to view all expected high jumpers (V4 updated 11:27am, 16.11.23)

Click here to view all expected Long Jumpers (V2 updated 11:12am, 16.11.23)

Click here to view all Vortex athletes (V2 updated 9:19am, 16.11.23)

Click here to view list of all expected Shot Put athletes 

Click here to view list of all expected Quoit and Discus athletes


PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2022

Date:    Tuesday  29 November, ppmt date Thurs 1 December

Time:    9:00am - 3:00pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Thank you to everyone who assisted with the smooth running of the PSW Inter Zone Athletics meet for 2022.  First time ever that we completed the entire meet by 2:30pm.

Click here for top 3 individual Field Event results.  

Click here for ALL track results 

Please NB top three athletes per gender and year level  will be registered to represent PSW at the Regional Athletics meet schedule at the Colin Pugh Sportsbowl in Masterton scheduled Tues 6 Dec, postponement date Thurs 8 Dec.  Click on the Regional tab for more information.

Click here    *Event Programme and rotations. 

*Important to NB this programme may differ to the Zone programme that your child may have qualified from.

Click here for a list of ALL expected High Jump athletes 

Click here for a list of ALL expected Long Jump athletes 

Click here for a list of ALL expected Quoits & Discus athletes 

Click here for a list of ALL expected Shot Put athletes 

Click here for a list of ALL expected  Vortex athletes 

Click here for a list of ALL Track athletes 


PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2021

Date:    Tuesday  30 November, ppmt date Thurs 2 December

Time:    9:00am - 3:00pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

ALL PSW Zone and the PSW Inter Zone Athletics Meets are cancelled for 2021.

A decision will be notified on Monday 1 November by the two host associations (Masterton and South Wairarapa) if the Regional Athletics meet will be able to proceed.  

​​​​​​​Click here for the Host Association letter of advisement


Due to the uncertainty of when this region will move into Level 1 and NOT knowing what the Delta Level 1 guidelines.  

The PSW Governance Group have sanctioned the following recommendation from PSW:

Should this region be in Level 2 on Tuesday 26 October. then all six Zone and the PSW inter Zone Athletic meet will be CANCELLED regardless if this region moves to Delta level 1 after this date.  

If the 2021 Regional Athletics Meet is able to proceed on Tues 7 Dec, ppmt date Thurs 9 Dec in Masterton, then PSW Athletes will be invited based on the 2020 PSW Inter Zone Athletics results.  Please NB unfortunately this may mean NO Year 4 Athletes will be invited to represent PSW at the Regional Athletics Meet and we will have reduced or no representation for the Year 7 Discus, Shot Put and Year 5 800m races.  

IMPORTANT to NB NO Zone or Inter Zone Athletics meet will be able to proceed if this region remains in Level 2 with a 100 persons public gathering restriction.

Should this region be under Delta Level 1 on Tues 28 Oct, I will need to know what public gathering restrictions are in play, in order to be able to best advise and support the Zone Athletics organisers with offering any athletics meets within the permitted MOH and Sport NZ guidelines.

​​​​​​​PSW member schools have been advised of the above decison and process for the cancellation of Zone and PSW Inter ZOne Athletics Meets should the need arise.  Parents should contact the school their child attends in the first instance for any further clarification of the content above.

Parents who children fall outside of the PSW membership need to contact their respecitve Association Lead as each association will have their own procedures in place.

PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2020

Date:    Tuesday  17 November, ppmt date Thurs 19 November

Time:    9:00am - 2:30pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The PSW Inter Zone and ALL PSW Zone Athletics events will only be able to be offered if the region remains at alert level 1.  If at any stage this region moves to level 1.5 or higher ALL PSW supported and organised Athletics meets will be CANCELLED due to NOT be able to comply within permitted MOH and Sport NZ guidelines. 

PSW position is consistent with the other 8 Associations that comprise the Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Regional Committee.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to a successful athletics meet on Tuesday weather conditions were perfect for good performances as the wind held off and there was no rain.

Top 3 athletes in individual events are invited to the Wellington Primary and Internmediate Schools Regional Athletics Meet scheduled Tuesday 1 Dec, postponement date Thursday 3 Dec.  NB winning relay team only represents PSW at the regional athletics meet.

Special message of appreciation to the Athletics Wellington Officials:  Geoff Henry (Starter), Don Dalgliesh (Marshalling), Mike Ritchie (Jumps Referee), and Marshall Clark (Field Referee) and to Alistair Hamilton (Scots College) for organising 8 Scots College Year 10 students to assist with the event.

Click here for Field Event (Top 3 placing's and Reserve)

Click here for Track (Top 3 placing's and Reserve list)

Click here for dirct access to ALL Track results by individual events

Click here for event programme 

Click here for list of HIgh Jump registrations 

Click here for list of Long Jump registrations 

Click here for Vortex registrations 

Click here for Quoit and Discus registrations

Click here for Short & Long Sprint registrations 

Click here for middle distance registrations 

Click here for Relay registrations 

PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2019

Date:    Tuesday  26 November, ppmt date Thurs 28 November

Time:    9.00am - 2.30pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Thank you to all who contributed to a successful running of the PSW Inter Zone Athletics meet especially Athletics Wellington Officials:  Geoff Henry (Starting), Marshall Clark (Field Referee), Mike Ricthie (Jumps Referee), Don Dalgliesh (equipment) and to Mark Harris (Electronic timing) and to all the teachers and parents who ran the stations for the athletes.

Please click on the link below to view the top 3 places and reserve athetes for the Regional Athletics meet scheduled Tues 3 Dec, postponement Wed 4 Dec.

Click here  for the PSW athletes team listing for Regional Athletics meet.

Click Here for electronic timing (track events)

​​​​​​​Click here  for Programme

Click here for Map


PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2018

Date:    Tuesday  27 November, ppmt date Thurs 29 November

Time:    9.00am - 2.30pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Click here  Electronic timing track (In event programme order part A)

Click here  Electroinc timing track (In event programme order Part B)

Click here PSW Inter Zone top 3 results (PSW team Regional selections)

Click here  Regional selection letter with regional event details

Click here Programme of events

PSW  Inter Zone Athletics 2017

Date:    Tuesday  21 November, ppmt date Thurs 23 November

Time:    9.00am - 2.30pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Click here ​​​​​​​For Programme 

Click here   For minimum qualifying standards 

Years:  Years 4 - 8

Yr 4 's only 5 x 80m
Yrs 5-8, 4 x 100m

Short Sprints:
Yr 4  & AWD,  60m
Yr 5 & 6,  80m 
Yrs 7 & 8,  100m

Long Sprints:
Yr 4  & AWD, 100m 
Yr 5 & 6,  150m
Yrs 7 & 8, 200m

Long Jump:
Yrs 4-8 & AWD

High Jump:
Yrs 4 - 8

Yr 4 - 6 & AWD (quoit)
Years 7 & 8 only (Discus)

Yrs 4 - 8 & AWD

Shot put:  (NEW EVENT)

Yrs 7 & 8 only

800m:  (NEW DISTANCE - replaces 1,000m)
Yrs 5 & 6 only

1,500m:  (NEW DISTANCE - replaces 1,000m)

Yrs 7 & 8 only

PSW  Interzone Athletics 2016

Date:    Tuesday 22 November 2016

Time:    9.00am - 2.30pm

Venue:  Newtown Park Stadium

Years:  Years 4 - 8


Yr 4 's only 5 x 80m
Yrs 5-8, 4 x 100m
Short Sprints:
Yr 4's 60m
Yr 5 & 6 80m
Yrs 6-8 & AWD 100m
Long Sprints:
Yr 4's 100m
Yr 5 & 6 150m
Yrs 7-8 & AWD 200m
Long Jump:
Yrs 4-8 & AWD
High Jump:
Yrs 4-6
Yr 4-6 & AWD (quoit)
Years 7 & 8 (Discus)
Yrs 4-8 & AWD
Yrs 5-8


PSW Interzone Athletics 2014


PSW Interzone Athletics 2013

Due to the weather,  the track events were the only event to be held in rainy and cold  conditions. As as a resul,t the team to represent PSW  at the Regional event  was selected from  the best zone results for the field events and from this track event.

Regional Team :  Click Here


PSW Interzone Athletics 2012

The Interzone Athletics was held at Scots College on 21 November. It was a very successful day with Wellington turning on the most perfect day for  such a competiton. All six zones contested every event with nearly all schools within the Primary Sport Wellington boundaries being repesented by an athlete.

Congatualtions to all runners who competed and in particularly  to those who were placed and consequently selected to compete at the regional event on 4 December at Hutt Recreation Ground.

Results: Click Here

This event could not have gone ahead without the volunteers who officiated throughout the day, the competitors who demonstrated such good sportsmanship and competitiveness in all the events and without the assistance of Geoff Henry and Don Dagliesh from Athletics Wellington; I woulld also like to thank SWellington City Council  Parks Division for the transporting of  gear  and alsoto Scots College who offered the use of their grounds and personnel since Newtown Park was closed. The time and expertise involved by all was greatly appreciated and contributed to this event being so successful.

PSW Interzone Athletics 2011

After a very storm ridden Monday, it was quite surprising that the weather was so good for the  the Interzone Athletics that was held on the 22 Novemebr at Newtown Park. All six zones and over 50 schools were represented in the track and field events. All competitors can be proud of their effort and the way they represented their school and zone

The event would not happen if it was not for the volunteers who give their time to officate the events and supervise the competitiors. We would like to thank all volunteers, especially the Athletics Wellington officials and the Year 8 pupils from Brooklyn and Hataitai Schools who assisted on the day.

Congratulations to all children who competed and to those who were placed, we wish you luck at the next event, the Regionals Athletics

Results:  Click Here

PSW Interzone Athletics 2010

The 2010 Interzone Athletics Championships were held at  Newtown Park at the end of November and were held in near perfect weather conditions.

Approximately 500 children, ranging in ages from Years 4 - 8 and representing their school and zone, competed  in a variety of track and field events. The best three athletes in each event were selected to represent PSW at the inaugural Regional Athletics being hosted by PSW in December.

Athletics Wellington again supported the event by providing many officials  and we thank them and all the other volunteers who  who gave so generously of their time to assist in making this evetn a success.

We congratulate all children who competed, especially those who were placed and were selected to represent PSW at the  regional event.

Results:  Click Here

PSW Interzone Athletics 2009

The PSW Interzone Athletics Championships were held on 25 November at Newtown Park in very warm and sunny conditions. Children representing the six zones (and 64 schools) competed in short and long sprint, 1000metres, high jump, long jump, quoit and vortex events.

Many volunteers, teachers and Athletics Wellington personnel officated on the day and we thank them for the giving of their time to support this event. Without these officals, these events would not be able to held.

Congratulations to all those children who competed and to those who were successful in their chosen events

Gary from Nesport Photography attended the event to photograph the competitors These can viewed and purchased online. Go to  Click Here .

Results: Click Here

Results for Athletes with Disabilities: Click Here